Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kennel cough stinks! - by Pilgrim

My mom has been calling me a coughy-head.  Or sometimes a coughy-coughy-head.  I admit, I have been coughing a lot.  I don't know why, because I feel fine.  But my mom keeps putting me in jail!  Every time I cough - jail!  Every time I want to play with my sister - jail!  Every time I see a new toy I want to play with - especially if I want to run around the house with it - jail!  No fair!  My sister never has to go to jail!

photo.JPGThere are a lot of fun toys around the house, too!  I love reading my mom's books.  And I really love stealing the remote control to watch TV.  But... my all time favorite toy: the dish towels.  My mom leaves them hanging off the stove and I'm sure they are there just because they're so fun to take!  It's like having my own personal toy rack and I get to choose which one I'm in the mood to play with!

And my mom totally can't catch me.  I just do figure eights around the kitchen table, then the coffee table, kitchen table, coffee table.  It's hilarious watching my mom try to catch up.  The only way she ever catches me is when she gets my sister to cut me off.  Together they can corner me.  But I still fit under the couch, so I can usually get around that move too!  Woohoo!

My mom is home schooling me since I am a coughy-head and I can't go to puppy class yet.  So far I'm getting really good at "look", "sit", "stay", "heel" and "down".  I'm really smart!  I'll totally do tricks for my mom as long as she keeps the treats coming.  And I just pretend I don't understand "no", so that part is covered.  I'm so much smarter than Mom!

The good news is, I haven't coughed for a couple of days, so now mom lets me out of jail a lot more.  My sister and I wrestle and wrestle until we are both covered in slobber.  Good times, good times!

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