Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Home for the holiday - by Pilgrim

Hello, My name is Pilgrim.  At least, I think that's my name.  All these humans have been calling me a thousand different things, but the name I'm hearing most of the time now is Pilgrim.  Sometimes I think my name is, "Little Buddy,", "Little Cutie-Head," or "Little Dude."  Once in a while, it seems to be, "NO!" 

You wouldn't believe the week I have had!  They took me away from my doggie family, made me go to the doctor three times, stuck me with some needles, forced some stuff down my throat, planted a thing in my neck (they called it a microchip), drove me across state lines, and cut off two little parts of my body (I think they said I was being tutored, but I sure don't feel any smarter!)  On top of all that, I seem to have this weird cough now...

But things are looking up.  I have gained 2.2 pounds in seven days, and now I weigh 16.2!  I have a new human Mommy and a new big sister.  Her name is Haley.  I have a big, grassy back yard to play in, a play room with a comfy couch I'm totally allowed on, two dog beds for me and my sister, two crates I eat and sleep in (and I'm really good at both of these things) and lots of toys.  My Mom lets me run around the house a lot, but she doesn't seem to trust me very much on the carpet.  And I get to go for walks with my mom and my sister at least once or twice a day.  I'm really good at it!  My mom says I'm really smart.  I guess it's because I got tutored.

My mom says a shelter puppy is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get.  So when I grow up, I want to be a giraffe! 

I got to come home with my new family just in time for Thanksgiving, which means I got to play with my sister and my three cousins.  There were lots of people there too.  They look like my Mom.  They didn't give me any turkey, but they petted my belly a lot so that was fun.  I like petting.

My sister and I play ALL the time!  She teases me with a ball and I try my hardest to get it away from her, but she's too fast.  But usually, she gives it to me after a while.  I love my sister, even though she already broke all my legs at least once.  They healed in a few minutes though.

Mom said, "Pilgrim, now that you're tutored, you're smart enough to start writing your own blog entries!"  I hope I can do a good job.  It's hard to write when you're only eight weeks old and you don't have any thumbs.

She says I'm going to start puppy training soon.  I don't know what she means, because I already have everyone trained exactly the way I want them.  Grown-ups are so weird!

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